Monday, February 18, 2008

Deadly Embrace

Today John McCain received George Herbert Walker Bush's endorsement, and in return McCain said he'd be honored to receive Junior's as well. It certainly couldn't be any sweeter than this moment in 2004 when the "maverick" McCain gave much love to GW. Makes your heart swell, doesn't it?

I can only hope that this photo (the original, anyway--not Olaf's modest interpretation) becomes a staple of the Democratic campaign, to remind every American exactly what the connection is between these last seven years in Bushworld and what we ought to expect from a Republican successor.

It's really pretty disgusting, isn't it? The smug look on Junior's face and the way McCain nuzzles him? And the irony of course is that despite this, the Limbaughs and Coulters and their wingnuttery parade still won't support him until he further diminishes himself by licking their jackboots.

Which is actually pretty delightful sight to consider witnessing.

Of course, the Repugs will yammer endlessly on McCain's years in the Hanoi Hilton in an attempt to make him unassailable, but I don't think that that is going to work in the face of an eroding economy. Besides, as much as Ann Coulter hates McCain, I'm just waiting for her to say something like he had himself shot down over North Vietnam as part of a long-term plan to gain the presidency. And Limbaugh may well repeat the accusations made by Karl Rove's machine in 2000.

Did they do anything less to John Kerry in 2004? Did they do anything less to McCain himself in South Carolina in the 2000 Repug primary?

Here's hoping it turns into a cannibal carnival in the GOP!


Anonymous said...

Boy, Olaf, I hope you are right. Now it seems more like the Dems are the ones eating each other alive.

How are you, btw?

Olaf said...

We can never underestimate the Democrats' talent for self sabotage. I'm curious to see if Hilary decides to take the party and the country down with her if she doesn't get the nomination.

As for us, we're doing fine--I'm taking a German class, enjoying my little job, making music, having fun with Mrs. Olaf, and hanging out with Dorothy in the remaining snow (of which we have a mini-mountain off the back porch after shoveling snow and breaking ice dams on the northern part of the roof. It got so high that we just jumped off the roof rather than climbing down the ladder.)

And how are you in the big city?

Anonymous said...

Oh, we're fine here. The big city is wonderful, tho still very much buried in winter weather. We had a much needed reprieve yesterday, only to be plunged back into the cold depths today. My nephew is healthy and freaking adorable... you can see him on myspace. Job is good, life is good, etc! We miss you!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think the McCain nomination is so interesting primarily because of the far-right response to it. I hope the bizarre performances of Limbaugh and Coulter will provide an opportunity for conservatives to reflect on the behavior of these irrational scumbags who have been controlling and producing what passes as public discourse in this country. A lot of the so-called "conservatives" in my family (I put that in quotes because although most of my family proclaims conservatism, they still want universal healthcare and a stellar education system. Fox news got to them first) have always supported McCain, but have also listened to the "opinions" of Coulter and Limbaugh not realizing these camps were mutually exclusive. I think some members of my family are starting to realize who *actually* speaks for them and who *actually* makes up the right...and it's frightening.

Don't worry, I don't particularly care for McCain, and I certainly don't want a Republican in the Whitehouse. But if I *had* to have a Republican president, McCain certainly wouldn't be the worst option. So who are all these nut jobs who find him so disgusting and offensive? I just find it interesting that McCain really brings to light all the fissures in the Republican party and disrupts that hegemony. I think it's about time that Republicans started to look around and wonder who *really* represents them. I saw Andrew Sullivan on the Daily Show a few weeks ago, and he actually "came out" as a Democrat. When asked by Jon Stewart why he left the Republican party, Sullivan replied, "I didn't leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me." I hope that Republicans will finally realize the empty rhetoric and ideology that has ensnared them for so long.

...oh, and then I hope they vote for Obama!

I miss you, Olaf! Who are you officially endorsing for 2008? Tell Mrs. Olaf I said hi!


Olaf said...

Oh my! I just saw your comment here, CB.

Re: McCain--he's a fucking war-crazy nutcase, and I mean that in a charitable way. If he becomes president, however, he will make Bush look like Gandhi, and the charity ends. He needs anger management, not the keys to the US military establishment. And as to his economic know-how, again, he'll make you wish Bush was still in the White House when we totally crater and become "the poor man of the Americas."

I can support Obama, I suppose, but he's no Kucinich!!!