Monday, January 07, 2008

Uh, I Think It's Snowing

Two hours to shovel out the driveway and cut a path for the mail carrier, but under a clear blue sky. Then Dorothy and I went for a lovely walk, or rather, I walked and Dorothy porpoised, occasionally coming up for air. Ain't she cute?

Tomorrow is the New Hampshire primary, but why should it matter? Until the lobbyists have a fire hose turned on them, flushing them out of the Capitol, it'll be politics as usual. We are a corporation, not a country, and the hope of Obama or the experience of Hilary, or the battle-tested courtroom skills of Edwards won't make a damn difference. Add onto that that ABC banned Dennis Kucinich from a Democratic debate and Fox News (sic) banned Ron Paul from that of the Republicans, and the idea of a marketplace of ideas, free and fair elections, blah, blah, blah, just gets pounded further into dust. We don't even get a chance to hear views that don't fit into a narrow and mistaken idea of what America could be.

I'm cold and tired, so I ain't got more to say at the moment. I'm just going to enjoy Dorothy's adorability.


Ninja Chef said...

Quite adorable. Happy New Year, Olaf. May this one be as ridiculous as last...DDG

Olaf said...

I have no doubt that this will be a great year for bitter laughter and black humor. This farcical presidential election is shaping up to be quite the howler. And I can't wait to see the Olympics in China, which is the dream capitalist state in its perfect blend of totalitarianism and total worker powerlessness.

I love 2008 already!