Thursday, January 04, 2007

Proof of Delusion, part Deux

Chimpie is further out of touch with reality than even I, Olaf, could imagine. He now claims the right to open your mail without a court order, doing so even after the new House and Senate were elected, as if just daring them to impeach his dumb ass.

And by gum, they'd better do it now, or we are going to see a constitutional crisis beyond any in our history. This is a man who is either totally living in a fantasy world in which he gets to play dictator, or he is so bent on retaining power that he will stop at nothing--not even the destruction of his daddy's reputation (not much, I'll agree)--including a suspension of the Bill of Rights.

I don't give a fuck for bipartisanship or the Dems or any of them in the Congress at all if they don't realize now that they have a duty to pry this maniac out of office, indict him for war crimes, and let justice prevail.


Anonymous said...

I looked at the link to the story about the postal reform bill. Do you think that's really real?? I mean, I certainly wouldn't put it past him, but you'd think it would have been discussed in the "liberal" media, right?

Anonymous said...

It's all over the fucking place. The biggest of the libmeds (my new name for the liberal media) to say anything about it so far is ABC News, and it's barely a blurb. And I'm not sure what pisses me off more at this point, the fact that Dipfuck continues to shove this shit down our throats, or that our fucking media, for whatever vile reason, keeps mum about it. It seems like a more important thing for Americans to know than the Vancouver stadium getting a hole blown in its roof by high winds. I mean, Bush is almost excusable, at least in terms of him actually doing this. You know he will. It's nothing new. (God, is it STILL 2 more years? It's felt like that for about four years now.) It's not right, but it's no surprise. The real story here is what is up with the media? I mean what really is going on there? I think there's some sinister plots at work. I think they're coming for us. I think we're utterly doomed and fucked. Oh, shit. Oops, got carried away there. But it does piss me off, and it does make me a bit curious as to what is up out there. Colbert said something pretty funny the other day. He was comparing this era to Vietnam in terms of protest, and he said back in the day, people took to the streets, threw rocks at soldiers. mooned cops, stormed gates, went berserk. Now they blog. Whoo, scary stuff, eh? If it weren't for blogs though, biased and ranting as they often are, there's a ton of shit you'd never even hear about. Anyway, enough of that. I haven't had a beer all week, and I think it's nigh time I get one.

Anonymous said...

scotchyogi--you seem angrier than I remember you. Is everything okay? School getting to you?? Blogging is great when combined with direct action in one's community. I think if you are just writing long-winded complaints, you're more a part of the problem than the solution. (Not talking about Olaf here -- I have personally taken to the streets with him on more than one occasion.) If you are also interested in taking to the streets, consider getting involved in your local 4th anniversary protest coming up this March. Incidentally, my futon is unclaimed if Olaf wants to come for the big one in Chicago.

Olaf said...

Oh, MB, your futon certainly beckons. Alas, I am gainfully employed again, with no vacation in the near term. I'll have to find something more local--although one reason we all had to go to San Francisco was due to the frightening apathy in major Southwestern cities.

And for Scotchyogi, we've still got to be able to laugh. After all, if we weren't stuck in the middle of this political freakshow, we'd be laughing our asses off at the dumb Americans. So why can't we laugh at ourselves. Gallows humor is the final salvation. Just ask Saddam.

Anonymous said...

No mb, I'm not angrier than usual. I'm disappointed in the media. If school is affecting me in any way, it's a good way. I'm getting an advanced degree in literary journalism and it has a tendency to reinforce my position. As for humor, fear not, there's plenty of that in me. But occasionally, it's pretty nice to flapdaddle out some righteous swearing. Know what I mean? On a positive note, eventually the pendulum is going to swing the other way, and with as much force this administration has pushed it to one side, when it does, it's going to knock all the apathetic fence sitters right on their arses. Happy 2007! Life is fucking grand, ain't it?

Anonymous said...

Fuck Yeah!