Friday, January 05, 2007

Going Down Like Pacino in Scarface

Rent, borrow, or buy Brian De Palma's Scarface (1983). Fast forward (or select the scene, if you have DVD) to the point where Pacino says, "Say hello to my little friend." Past Chimpie's face over Pacino's.

Is that how they'll have to get this idiot out of the White House?

Actually, you need only fast forward as far Pacino's face coming up out of the mountain of cocaine on his desk, powder encrusted on this nostrils. Is that what's going on in there in the WH? Is this just coke-addled craziness and obstinancy?

I just had to post this--I keep seeing that scene in my head every time I hear anything about the war or civil liberties. We've got a madman trying desperately to hold power. He has no respect for the law or the country or its people. Clinically speaking, it's a case of malignant narcissism.

And it's going to be ugly.

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