Friday, December 22, 2006

And the Real Criminals Continue to Run Things

Look, if it was me who was thrown into a firefight in Haditha immediately following one of my buddies getting killed by an IED, I don't think I'd be doing anything but shooting to kill anyone and anything that didn't look like it was on my side. In the confusion and chaos of combat, I cannot imagine that careful discretion is even possible, no matter how much training you've had--and we know that the vast majority of our military personnel have not received any anti-insurgency training. A huge explosion, smoke, fire, blood, and people running toward you stimulate a response that I don't believe any of us could resist. You'd pull the trigger too.

Until the policymakers who put these young men into harm's way are held as equally accountable for plopping them into a civil war in which they cannot possibly tell friend from foe in a kill zone and in which the only logical response is personal survival, then there will be no justice for the innocents killed in the war. Yet this class of criminals are still lionized by the press and asked to concoct new lies about the war.
[Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice was asked whether an additional $100 billion the Pentagon wants for the Iraq and Afghan wars might amount to throwing good money after bad in Iraq. President Bush and Congress have already provided more than $500 billion for the two conflicts and worldwide efforts against terrorism, including more than $350 billion for Iraq.

“I don’t think it’s a matter of money,” Rice said. “Along the way there have been plenty of markers that show that this is a country that is worth the investment, because once it emerges as a country that is a stabilizing factor you will have a very different kind of Middle East.”
And here are a few of those "markers" that demonstrate how stable Iraq is becoming. And then there are the other "markers," the Iraqis themselves, who seem to become stabilized by becoming dead.

So these poor damned marines are going to bear the burden for the true sins committed by the Chimpie criminal cabal--you know the names by heart by now--and when the marines are sent to Levenworth or Treasure Island to serve the terms of their scapegoated lives, Rice, Wolfowitz, Libby, et alia, will be writing memoirs about how they were poor, misunderstood, well-intentioned but misled public servants.

I certainly don't wish to deny them their memoirs, just so long as they're writing them from a jail cell in the Hague.


Anonymous said...

Olaf, I'm hearing you. Good god. What a mess. And all those lives. 655,000 plus our soldiers. This looks bad. Really bad. Unprecedented. And you're right. The stuff our leaders spin is just so much rhetoric. They stay safe in their bubbles of words, and these kids end up in horrible trouble because something inside them does not know how to deal. They probably wish they did. But they're thrust into a circumstance with which they are not equipped to deal with, because like so many people who have died for this, they're just people. Oh, man, I've got tears for this. I wish I could just make a joke, but it's going way beyond that. At this point, I just don't know what to do. We're at an important point. And not the stupid apocalypse. This is right here, right now. All this is just somehow symbolic. I'm an optimist. Or a humanist. I truly believe that we, humans, are an amazing animal on this earth. But we're just that. An animal. We have no damn right, whether Christian or Atheist, Islam or Gaia theorists to hurt each other like this. This sucks. Even if they, the cabul, hang, which they probably won't, we're in a hell of a pickle. Thanks for continuing to dig this info up.

Olaf said...

The question always has been, "Why will poor people fight for rich men in wars which never address that fundamental inequality." While I believe in truly defensive actions against belligerents, the wars in my lifetime have largely been waged by America to further corporate interests, whether in oil, bananas, patents, markets, and so on. I did support our initial action in Afghanistan to remove the regime which harbored Al Qaeda, but have we lessoned their power worldwide or even eliminated bin Laden? That is what reveals the total incompetence and corruption of this regime--they had a clear mission, sufficient power, total global support, and they managed to transform it into a fiasco for the US on all levels--diplomatic, military, economic, military, and most tragically, personally for tens of thousands of families.

Criminals is not too harsh a word for these motherfuckers.

Anonymous said...

I found this article because I saw in the Washington Post today an article about how the Shiites are essentially taking over Baghdad. I was curious about what the hell the difference between Sunnis and Shiites is. I came across this and it really spelled out just how completely out of whack this whole policy is.

Some people seem to think that democracy is genetic. It's not. And I read this and was like, wow, they (the cabal) have no idea where they are at. And the thing about it as well is that all this fighting and shit is going on between these two factions over a 1300 year old abduction. Unless God did indeed come and take the 12th Imam. I think there's a better chance he got his throat cut and his body dumped in a ditch. I don't want to be culturally insensitive. This is not so much about culture and Islam as it is about just how much fanaticism diseases the mind. There's nothing, absolutely nothing, this administration can do to stop the blood letting. This shit goes deep. Somehow, this military adventure (and if the fuckers had read Machiavelli, they would know that's what it is, and would have known what consequences would come from it) set off a centuries old feud. This is a shitty position. Damned if we do and damned if we don't. I'd like to say fuck it. Get the hell out. Let them go at it until there's hardly a one left, or until one or the other side (Sunni/Shiite) wins over the other. Then what? The other gets enslaved? Ethnically cleansed? Jesus, what a mess.

I find it interesting as well that the Shiite are waiting for the return of the Imam who will then team up with Jesus, who will also return, and then defeat their evil, godless, nemesis, who in a bitter twist of irony will be Jew. So Jesus, who is hailed by some as King of the Jews, and all about peace and love will help this particular faction of people destroy his own people? Ah, sweet religion, at least the fanatical variety. Maybe, in the end, the best thing for this planet as a whole would be the apocalypse. Ecck! I've got to get my head out of this, go play some music for a while, and remember my sense of humor. Sheesh. Lighten up, Scotch.

Olaf said...

Scotchyogi, my friend, trying to apply logic to religious belief is a one-way ticket to madness. Until people leave their fantasy worlds behind, or at least live in them in private while in public acting like grown-ups, we are going to find that there is always someone who has to kill someone else because they don't share the same fantasy.

Therefore, in the interest of lightening up, I direct you to the Top Ten Reasons Why Beer Is Better than Jesus (or Mohammed, or Vishnu, or anyone else who is believed to be god or prophet.)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! Beer is so awesome.