Monday, November 20, 2006

Problem Solved!

All it took was a single comment from a terribly desperate reader in France who reminded me of how meaningless my life was. Bingo! I feel so much better now! I really, really want to thank Jimmy the Hyena Nowlan for the therapeutic post, because now I know that however low, pointless, and pathetic my daily life may become, it's never so bad that I have to stalk some schmuck's blog to make myself feel better.

Oh, and do you know that previous post wasn't a lure that I knew you couldn't resist?


Really, man, you make it too easy.


Jimbo said...

Yeah well why didn't you publish my comment? Is the medication kicking in yet?

Jimbo said...

You know I don't care about you or Ed Ward personally but what you represent. The networks of American interest groups that operate in an often criminal manner here in Europe. You people can try to disguise or justify it any way you want to.

Anonymous said...

There you go. Look on the bright side.

I love you!!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

You are one wily son of a gun, Olaf. Man, I'd like to know what the hell that was all about. So no meds, eh? The thing that strikes me about this blog all the time is the clarity, sincerity, and intelligence of the voice. It's why I read it. Olaf 2008! Anyone with me?

Anonymous said...

Good to see you're feeling better Olaf. Where's the link so as we can see what cured you?

Olaf said...

Hey Jimmy--send me that comment again and I will indeed publish it.

And I'd like you to expand on how Ed Ward or I operate in an "often criminal manner here in Europe." Could you enumerate my crimes for me? I'd hate to think I'm missing something.

Of course, a big shot like you probably has many, many more important things to do.

Also, if you'd like to plug your book and movie here, please feel free. I may act in a "criminal manner here in Europe," but I'm a real sweetheart when I'm lording it over the enslaved masses of North America.

Jimbo said...

Perhaps you are being cultivated as a beigocrat disinformation agent without your knowledge. Normally Americans are not allowed to live in Europe unless they have been vetted by the beige, (Ronald McDonald, Mickey Mouse, Harvard, Yale, and company). I managed to end run these gate keepers and ever since have been mercilessly persecuted by them. My film which was made in attempt to combat their propaganda (a project that might have been sucessful if it had not been infiltrated by a beigist cult indoctrinated steroid injected agent) is available here :

Olaf said...

If only our troubles were so easily explained. Yeah, me too--I'm an unwitting dupe of the beigeocracy while simultaneously being merciless persecuted by them. That's why I'm neither rich, famous, good-looking, successful, or smart.

I knew it was not my problem! Those bastards!

Jimbo said...

They do not want anyone who might not transmit the message or project the vision in the way they should be, USA as the land of good and plenty.

Olaf said...

May I direct you to the 400+ posts by me on this blog--do I sound like a cheerleader for the American way of life? Let me ask my friends here--am I a repeater of the happy-happy-joy-joy rhetoric that seems to flummox the red state masses to the murderous, bigoted, myopic, and often cannibalistic actions of this nation both inside and outside of its borders?

You know, a little research never hurts before you start making accusations.

Okay, I gotta go call Disney and Burger King to be sure they've wired your house for total surveillance.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Olaf, you freaking capitalistic pig. I'm sick and tired of your love for people who seek power for power's sake. And man, if it weren't for guys like you, the dems would have had a landslide in the midterm elections. Man, really, you should put that Big Mac down and read a little cultural criticism...The irony is, I went to the site for Hyena's movie and it costs $9.95. Is that an irony somehow? Reality show for 10 bucks. Can't blame the guy for making a pretty penny. Capitalism rules!

Anonymous said...

Olaf, you are pretty entrenched in the capitalist system, and you're a raving anglocentric patriarch as well. Admit it!!!

Olaf said...

You've forgotten homophobic, christofascist, and white supremacist, not to mention warmonger, prude, double-knit-wearing, pencil-necked, and Budweiser-beer-drinking.

Oh, and Marlboro-smoking. And Wal-Mart shopping.

And Fox "News" watching.