Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why Some People Shouldn't Do Drugs

The Hillbilly Heroin Homeboy hits one out the park! Those Democrats--so diabolical that they set up a ten-year sting operation to get Republican Mark Foley to troll for teenage boys.

Of course, there's another Republican theory on the talking points list too--that Mark Foley was in deep cover as a Democratic plant, set to embarrass them at just this moment.

Of course, applying Occam's Razor to this outrage, it would appear to simply be that Mark Foley--REPUBLICAN--is just a creepy old man with no regard for age-of-consent laws or power differentials in working relationships.


Anonymous said...

republicans....democrats....they are all a bunch of immoral children. they all play these games come election time. it would be funny if they weren't playing with the shaky (at best) future of the American people.


Anonymous said...

Gee... Rush Limbaugh is certainly a paragon of moral values. Let's here more of his thoughts on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you know, if all else fails, we can always sit on the top of a 700 mile long fence, chewing on apples picked by Tribbles without arms, and proclaim ourselves the zillion gods of Hinduism. Any takers?

Anonymous said...

In terms of the dems having no clear vision, I found this article interesting