Friday, October 20, 2006

Another Possibility: the Genius of the Bush/Cheney Plan

In the previous post, I posited that the Chimperor and his gang had essentially contributed to a worsening of situations across the board, and the commentary got pretty heated. What if there is something both we, the so-called "Bush-haters" and their opposite, "the Bush-crack-lickers" had all gotten wrong?

What if total chaos is the overriding goal of this gang of miscreants? After all, even I wouldn't argue that Bush and company actually tried to fuck up on every single thing they touched. No one wants to be a total incompetent all the time. Or do they?

If you have investment interests in oil, or in armaments suppliers, or in shipping, or in security firms, or in big pharma, then destabilization of currencies, energy supplies, governments, security, travel, and the creation of a more fearful world are going to make you very, very wealthy.

If you own stock in Lockheed-Martin, the Carlyle Group, General Dynamics, and Northrop-Grumman, which is better: a quick, efficient victory, followed by a stable transition to new governance, and then a rapid withdrawal, or a quick, efficient victory followed by a meatgrinder of civil and sectarian strife that bogs down the world's most powerful military machine for a decade or longer?

Cui bono?

Those bastards may have outsmarted all of us on both sides.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm... the bush-haters...or the bush crack lickers....yep... seems fair strawman there either.....too fn funny.

Anonymous said...

it's only "free speech" on one side of the issue.

Anonymous said...

Way to Go, Olaf. You put those cracklickers in their place!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1, it's actually not strawman. When only two options are presented, and one believes alternate options exist, then it is a false dilemma. What's the latin name for that one, Olaf?

Anonymous said...

PS. Anon 1: your focus on Olaf's use of "bush-haters" and "crack-lickers" in a dichotomous relationship, rather than his argument that the Bush administration might be pitting us against one another, is a strawman, since you have taken the weakest part of Olaf's argument (which, incidentally, I think he did on purpose to further his point about pitting us against one another) and attacked that part, presumably because Olaf's primary argument is valid, and there is not a clear counter argument to it.

Anonymous said...

I once heard that being a cop is the best job, because you can drive fast and shoot people. I say George W. B*sh has it better. He can do all that, AND continue to torture frogs, but now on the WORLD stage! His story must be an inspiration to all the otherwise-unemployable born-again dry drunks out there. Oops, I forgot the first rule: be born well. Once in a permanent delusional state and a position of power, one has only to cruise. You can bet you will be surrounded and supported by sycophants and sociopaths who will help you protect the struggling corporate and "moral" classes from predations by the unenlightened rabble (once humorously called "voters").

Anonymous said...

you guys are too complicated. Major League Baseball. The axis of evil is winning the world series while we all have our backs turned with our "endless war". At the same time, I will be buried forever a Cubs fan. And MLB gets their piece of my soul, too.

Can't you all see??

Olaf said...

Boy, I turn my back for a day or two and wow! You guys are too sharp for me, and you're turning this into work instead of the pure pleasure of a rant-fest that blogging is supposed to be.

Let's not get hung up on haters and crack-lickers. Okay, so that's not a fair representative continuum of all 300 million Americans and their feelings about the Chimperor.

But could just one perso respond to the idea that chaos is the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld secret agenda? The war in Iraq could be, as Hitchcock called it, the MacGuffin, and we're not looking at what's really the story here.

I mean, you have to admit that even the most pessimistic of us never thought they'd fuck up so much so badly, right?

Anonymous said...

Olaf, I certainly wouldn't be surprised to learn that the ultra-secret plan of Evil Count Karl is global chaos... or at least Republican domination of the world, which looks to many of us like chaos. However, I have a hard time seeing *Bush* as an evil genius... Maybe that's his trickiest trick...

Anonymous said...

i cuncur with mb, who is wise beyond measure. indeed, i made the same point, only more perfectly, in my breakthrough post above (you have to read between the fnords.)

hail eris!

Olaf said...

MB, you hit on something--if it only LOOKS like chaos, but is actually under some kind of maniacal control, then it makes sense; however, I don't think anyone could engineer this much destruction to American power on every level while actually consolidating their own.

No, I'm afraid that what we're dealing with is the worst of all worlds--a gang of criminals who are also unimaginably incompetent to contain what they have so ineptly caused to happen.

Anonymous said...

olaf and co.:

i took the run and monkey test, too. They say I'm:

"an apparently intelligent, liberal, disgustingly generous, relatively well adjusted human being."

do you know who i am? we have met before...

Anonymous said...

oops: ruM & monkey

btw: perhaps ya'all will enjoy this video. Both links are for the same thing. If the first version (ifilm) doesn't work for you, try the youtube.

ifilm version at team bring it on!
youtube version

Olaf said...

Ah, a perfect paen to the ribbon robots. Funny, funny, funny!

And I know you, Dusty? Let's see...intelligent, liberal, disgustingly generous, and well-adjusted per rum and monkey? It's the well-adjusted part that has me stumped. None of my friends meet that requirement. Give me another hint.

Anonymous said...

well, not going to break blogger anonymity, but suffice to say I have been to your mountain town in the american southwest, gotten deep in the truck, seen the roaches. I believe you've also been to my city along the cool pacific coast. We both like to take it to the streets, on occassion.

If you still don't know, perhaps check with MB; we go waaaay back.

(and, yeah, well-adjusted? I don't write the test, just answer the questions...)

Olaf said...

Dusty, aha! I'm hip. Greetings! And thanks for the crash space and good times. Those were wickedly wonderful road trips.

Anonymous said...

Hi dusty.

Anonymous said...

mb, yo! olaf, of course, buddy.


Anonymous said...

hi, dusty!!!!
I, too, have slept on your lovely floor!!!

Anonymous said...

hi CB!

had to trade in the floor, and the view, but living aiight. yu in mee-lee-wa-KAY? all's cool?

oh yeah, so as not to totally fall off topic here (sorry olaf!) I like the perspective of South Park on this paradox (the bush house as evil genius vs. magnificant idiot.) In a recent episode, the plot revolved around the boys uncovering a horrible secret: that the entire senior staff of the white house conspired to spread the "9-11 was a massive hoax planned by the government" propaganda which i'm sure all us free-thinking liberal types have checked out online or elsewhere. To protect their secret, Bush was willing to stage a dramatic execution of a "conspiracy-blogger" by shooting him in the head in the oval office in front of Klye and Stan. It was very important for the White House to LOOK controlling and powerful. If Americans thought they could pull off such an intricate conspiracy, they would have freer reign to govern. But if Americans suspected the aweful truth -- that they are merely utterly talentless, corrupt, valueless, manipulative, assholes -- then they'd never be able to get away with all of their shitting on the whole damn world.