Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Democratic Towers of Jello

These are the Democratic senators who think a piece of multicolored cloth trumps the First Amendment.

Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Dayton (D-MN)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Johnson (D-SD)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Stabenow (D-MI)

I can understand the Republicans (with three exceptions, amazingly enough) voting to further squelch expressions of political dissent, but for these thirteen Democrats to play to the worst impulses of voters makes me puke. I'll burn some extra flags in their names for emphasis.

Opposition party my crusty ass.


Anonymous said...

Who were the Republicans who voted against it?

Olaf said...

Mitch McConnell R-Kentucky
Lincoln Chafee R-Rhode Island
Robert Bennett R-Utah

These Republicans voted against it, which shows that at least a tiny, tiny number of GOPers actually believe in preserving the First Amendment.

Anonymous said...

Utah, eh? That's surprising. I'm surprised it wasn't McCain.

Olaf said...

McCain's too hopped up on becoming president to do anything this principled.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I guess so. You can't appear "too liberal" if you want to make the people love you.

Olaf said...

McCain was traumatized in 2000 by the Bushit attacks on him in the primary. His recent trip to Jerry Falwell's Liberty University reveals either the completion of his brainwashing or his bitter cynicism mixed with endless ambition to become president. Either way, he's another pol who's become much different and much, much less than his popular image.