Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Not Dead Yet

So sue me. I haven't posted in nearly three weeks and I've got no excuse. Well, except maybe that things are even worse now than three weeks ago, and how much more could I say that hasn't already been said here and elsewhere many times over starting long ago, like when Chimpie got sworn in and decided to go for the world record in bringing down his own nation. I am simply silenced by the continuing horror of Iraq, the accelerating deficit, the economic assault on the shrinking middle class, the demagoguery over immigration, Iran, and gay marriage used for distraction, the absolute willing impotence of mainstream media endlessly servicing the cock of power as if the bubbleheads in network news are going to give birth to the next messiah, etc. etc.

I feel ill even thinking about it, let alone writing about it. But there's one thing that lifted my spirits. Al Gore.

Yes, I know I left the Democratic Party after he blew the 2000 election--yes, it may have been stolen, but should it really have ever been close? A half-wit governer of a dismal state whose only claim to anything has been his family name should never have even made it through the first primary, let alone to a national election, but the incompetence and corruption of both parties enabled it. Now we pay the price.

Anyway, Al Gore may be our answer to FDR is what I'm saying. Maybe he could ride the back of this global warming issue into the limelight and finally demonstrate who he really is, and why we need someone like him in the White House to turn us back from the precipice that we are now speeding toward.

Is it possible, or is the news just so fucking bad that even Al Gore looks like some kind of savior?

If John Kerry starts looking attractive again, shoot me. Then I'll know we're really fucked.


Anonymous said...

I would say that Al Gore looks god because everything is so bad. However, I agree that he is doing something good as far as global warming is concerned. On the local news on Friday, however, the "entertainment critic" said that Gore's new movie is "just a soap box" and as a film, it is "not very entertaining." Even now, when we think things are as bad as they can be, the MSM is doing their part to make it worse.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say "looks GOOD" not "looks god." Sheesh.