Friday, January 27, 2006

I May Be Lazy or Just Worn Out

My apologies. I just can't get up the energy to rant or rave or analyze or anything lately. Part of it is a rotten cold that just won't go away, and the other part is that the tidal wave of evidence of criminality of the Chimperor administration still hasn't mobilized the kind of resistance and demonstrations nationally that I would have thought would have occurred. After participating in a massive demonstration against war in Iraq in 2003 in San Francisco, I would have thought that layering on torture, secret prisons, domestic spying, Katrina's aftermath, and every other example of malfeasance and incompetence on top of this idiotic war would have surely toppled any administration.

But I was wrong. Yes, the media is complacent or complicit in the fostering of this apathy, but I have to think that the trouble really does lie with us as individuals. Do we as Americans deserve this bastards and what they're doing to what's left of our republic?

Maybe we do. Maybe it's our turn to suffer the humiliation of downslide into the fascination of history along with Rome, Napoleonic France, and the British Empire, all done in by arrogance and overreaching and a failure to understand that the world is bigger than we are.

Maybe we do.


Anonymous said...

You are more likely worn down than out, but it wouldn't be a bad time to check your supply of lawyers, guns, and money.

Anonymous said...

Don't give up, Olaf!

Neil Shakespeare said...

Screw the lawyers. You won't need 'em in a world of guns and money.

Olaf said...

If I had enough money, I could live in a peaceful country that didn't have so much macho bullshit posturing with guns by people who worship a half-wit president's crotch.

Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

If you want some action, go over to
Ah, Political Action, that is.
Kathryn in MA