Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Fear Is Gone

When the Senate votes 90-9 to add provisions to a defense bill that impose limits on the treatment of terrorism suspects, and they do it in spite of Chimpie's threat to veto that bill, it means that not even Republicans are afraid of this White House any more, and that means some big shit about to his the Bush evil empire. Only nine senators voted for torture, in other words, and that means a Chimpie veto will be overriden easily.

The rumor mill is burning up with talk of 22 indictments from Patrick Fitzgerald, and Rove is among the targets. This Senate vote is a watershed moment, when the rats are realizing that the Republican ship with crazy Chimpie at the helm is not going to right itself, but is in fact about to capsize, trapping all those still onboard to a dismal fate. Let's hope that the oil fire that will soon surround this exploding political vessel vaporizes a good number of the rodents swimming madly for cooler waters.

And word to the Democrats--don't pick up any survivors. Sharks gotta eat too.


Anonymous said...

The above slice of Spam puts the lie to the concept that the internet makes us all "more connected." I'd be happy to be connected to live panting Evangelicals or drooling pedophiles, but semi-automated spam is just discouraging.

Speaking of sharks, I have it on good authority that Burmese pythons have abandoned their terrorist training camp(s) in the Everglades and are moving north along the I-95 corridor, perhaps toward Washington D.C. Their numbers can't be determined at this time, but local reports from Gainesville and Jacksonville suggest that a smaller group has broken off and appears to be heading in the direction of Tallahassee. Details remain sketchy, but Everglades observers indicate the python training camp or camps featured live battles with right-leaning alligators.

Olaf said...

Cripes, aren't there already enough snakes (and cockroaches) in D.C.?