Monday, October 03, 2005

Cockroach Goin' Down

Let me pat myself on the back by referring to my blog post on April 6, 2005, in which I made the case that DeLay had so much shit on other members of government, including some Democrats, that he was only a cell phone call away from having it all posted to major news outlets.
Inside each envelope is damning evidence: of payoffs, bribes, filthy deeds done, smears conducted, perjury committed, and perhaps much, much worse, all of it done and documented about members of the House, the Senate, and people in the White House...Tom "Giant Flying Cockroach" DeLay has his cellphone in his hand at all times, with that young woman's number at the top of the display. His thumb is lightly touching the "Send" button. He will not get flushed down the sewer alone, that much his colleagues know...and fear.

It's going to be a glorious shitfest, a virtual revolution, perhaps. Let the bloodbath begin!
With DeLay now under a second indictment granted by a different grand jury, the speculation is that Jack Abramoff has beat him to the punch. Has Abramoff squealed to save his own ass? Are the dominoes beginning to fall? Will the Giant Flying Cockroach make the call and take everyone else down with him?

I sure hope so.


Anonymous said...

Greetings also from NRW, Germany! One question: Aren't "falling dominoes" a reference to the American-led spread of democracy through the middle east, usw? Please clarify.

Olaf said...

Actually, you could trace it back to the Vietnam War, when the warmongers claimed that the countries of Southeast Asia would fall like dominoes. Actually, though, it's an old expression, not tied to a particular situation and probably derived from, well, how dominoes fall. So, if DeLay falls, and after him Frist, Bush, Cheney, Rove, Libby, and on and on, let's hope it happens just like dominoes, in a steady progression, in complex patterns and simple lines, until all the bastards are down.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! THe bastards are so fucked! New all-ee-gations for the Cockroach, just to make sure he spends his life in prison, and hopefully this is just the first domino... or should I say the Frist? Wait... no, it's the "first."

Olaf said...

Yes, it's so hard not to dance with joyful abandon at the thought of the Cockroach in the jailhouse. But until I see him shackled, shaved, and wearing the signature Texas state penitentiary white jumpsuit, I'll try to play it cool. But a little celebration is called for, to be sure.