Tuesday, September 06, 2005

When Films Freak Me Out

So I related in the previous post that I just watched Costa-Gavras' Z. In the film, one of the key things that tips a prosecutor off to the "talking points from above" perjury going on during his investigation is when three different people describe someone jumping onto a small truck in the same exact terms: "Lithe and quick like a tiger." And here in Wonkette, what do I read tonight?
Saw your post about Chertoff saying NOLA dodged a bullet...Gen Myers just said the same at the Pentagon briefing, referencing newspaper reports.
"Dodged a bullet," eh? And didn't FEMA directory "Brownie" used the same phrase? As was once written in a spy novel I read somewhere, once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; the third time is enemy action.

It sure has a stink like Rovian orthodoxy, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I smell another round of "Presidential Hush Medals." Brownie, Mikey, maybe even Trent Lott? Pat Robertson? Race you to the bottom! Ignore the scum above.

Olaf said...

Inquisitor, doesn't it remind you of the Soviet Union in the way they toss these medals around? Does Chimpie have a picture of Uncle Josef in his secret closet?

(That spam comment was removed by me. Are those things generated by autobots?)