Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Oh! The Compassion! The Compassion!

So let's recap. Last week, as Hurricane Katrina hit and then the levees broke in New Orleans, creating the worst natural disaster in American history, we know the following to be true:
Chimpie ate cake and played guitar.
Condoleezza Rice purchased Ferragamo shoes costing more than $3000 pair and had a woman physically tossed from the store when challenged about her priorities.
Donald Rumsfeld took in a baseball game.
Dick Cheney shopped for a mansion along Chesapeake Bay.
Thousands, and perhaps tens of thousands died for want of government assistance in the disaster.
Aren't you glad the Republicans are in charge? I know Osama sure is.


Anonymous said...

Searching for loved ones in cyberspace
The postings read like sad, short stories offering intimate glimpses into the lives of strangers ... More than 5,400 items about missing people were posted in a 24-hour period on, a Web site run in conjunction with The Times-Picayune newspaper of New Orleans.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a ##HSA## site/blog. It pretty much covers ##health savings account## related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that you may be getting additional readers, given the randomness of the blogosphere. I'd like to propose an Olaf Feedback Day, on 1 October 2005.

To all Olaf Rotkohl readers: On Saturday 10/1/05, please post some kind of response, to let Olaf (and each other) know you appreciate this selfless effort to...well, whatever you think Olaf is trying to do. It's easy: Click on "Comments" at the end of any of Olaf's posting(s) on 10/1/05. "Choose your identity,"
and "Leave your comment," as prompted. It may drive him crazy, as he likes to respond to comments, but one mental health casualty may be the price of blogger accountability. Do this thing.

Olaf said...

Wow. Olaf Feedback Day. . . Wow!!!!!!!

Thank you, thank you. That action redeems the day.

As for driving me over the edge with comments, those comments are my lifeline to reality and hope. Connectedness. Everybody needs it, I least when ranting.