Thursday, September 29, 2005

On the Way Back to the Dark Ages, Something to Smile About

The Giant Flying Cockroach, Tom DeLay, has gotten his six creepy feet stuck in the gooey linoleum of the Roach Motel of prosecutor Ronnie Earle. And now, at long last, the mainstream media is turning the light on when Roachie can no longer scutter and fly into the dank corner behind the basket of potatoes under the sink. How wonderful is this, posted on Yahoo! news:
"What we're trying to avoid is Ronnie Earle having him taken down in handcuffs, and fingerprinted and photographed. That's uncalled for and I don't think that's going to happen," said Dick DeGuerin, DeLay's attorney.
I sincerely hope that before the day is out we'll get to see mugshots of Roachie on the web, like this one, or perhaps, even better, like this.

On another front, perhaps Americans will finally be forced to confront the nasty reality of war in its worst expression, particularly for a country which insists on its mythology of righteousness and rule of law. A judge has ruled that the military cannot withold Abu Ghraib and other photos of torture just because of what they might provoke. I really am amazed that no mainstream media pundit hasn't pointed out that it is not the pictures that are offensive, but the acts that were photographed. Somehow they cannot get past the representation to the thing represented. Didn't any of these numbskulls take basic English composition and rhetoric? Seymour Hersh will be proven right in what he said at an ACLU speech:
Some of the worst things that happened that you don’t know about. OK? Videos. There are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at [Abu Ghraib], which is about 30 miles from Baghdad — 30 kilometers, maybe, just 20 miles, I'm not sure whether it's — anyway. The women were passing messages out saying please come and kill me because of what’s happened. And basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children, in cases that have been [video] recorded, the boys were sodomized, with the cameras rolling, and the worst above all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking. That your government has, and they’re in total terror it’s going to come out. It’s impossible to say to yourself, how did we get there, who are we, who are these people that sent us there.
After Katrina, the continuing disaster in Iraq, the indictments of Jack Abramhoff and Roachie DeLay, this is going to further tip public sentiment toward the side of those who know that this administration is a criminal enterprise like no other in our history. They are going to fall, and they are going to be made to pay for all of this. ALL OF IT!


Neil Shakespeare said...

Hope you're right, Olaf. A dastardly situation indeed, and I'm glad to hear this news that another judge has ordered these released. They MUST be released so the American people know what's being done in their name. Of course the Bushturds are going to fight it.

Olaf said...

Yeah, the Bushturds get more of a thrill knowing that they have exclusive rights to view their favorite porno. If they have to share, then the zip goes right out of the self-grope.

Anonymous said...

Penultimate Notice:

Olaf Rotkohl readers, supporters and detractors alike, regulars and one-timers, are hereby put on notice to post your comments on Saturday October 1, 2005, the first International Olaf Feedback Day. It's free, and worth every penny! Let's let Olaf know how big his readership is! Whether you are an acolyte ready to fall at his feet, or a member of a growing lynch mob, let Olaf see your numbers! In this one instance only, size matters! [ may have a logical issue here. Surveys of lynchees throughout history consistently show that it isn't so much the size of the mob as its determindness. Thought you'd like the benefit of my social science expertise. --ed.] Do this thing!