Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Mask Is Off for Good

Despite Pat Robertson's long history of hypocrisy, and setting aside his agreement with goofball Jerry Falwell that gays were responsible for 9/11 or that God should kill some Supreme Court justices, he still manages to collect enough of the deluded, ignorant, illiterate, and corrupt to constitute some sort of coalition of the strange, comprised of folks who screech their Christianity while at the same time behaving in ways that clearly would piss even Jesus H. Christ himself off enough to want to smite them mightily. But he wouldn't, of course, being a real, and the original, Christian figure. So I address this post to you Robertson acolytes in the hope that it will save you and your souls, because now the evidence is irrefutable and undeniable.
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson has suggested that American agents assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country from becoming "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."
"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said Monday on the Christian Broadcast Network's "The 700 Club."
Leaving aside the bizarre pairing of communism and radical Islam, which reveals how completely vapid Robertson's quality of analysis is, there is no longer any reason to give this fuckwad an audience. Pat Robertson is a hypocrite. Pat Robertson is not a Christian. Pat Robertson is dangerous. Pat Robertson needs to assume his rightful place as the raving nutway preacher in Shithole, Virginia, deep in the holler, handling snakes and doing hands-on healing a la Ernest Angeley for the fools who would believe him even if he ate their children in front of them, with a dollop of A1. And it gets better.
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."
And there you have it--shoot a legally elected leader of a neighboring country to seize his oil and save a little dough in the process. So Christian, so very, very Christian. Of course, it's not Christlike in the least, and it will be very interesting to see which Christian leaders rush to defend or condemn Robertson, because silence will not reflect well on the increasingly marginalized place of radical Christianity in this society. Despite all the godfearing that allegedly exists in the US, we're still fundamentally a secular society, and the quickest route to irrelevance for a religion is to fail to distance itself from those who pollute and pervert its most basic teachings.

And consider the likely reaction of South American Catholics, who are feeling the heat from the nutwad evangelical movement in their own lands. Given Robertson's prominence in the evangelical community, I can't believe that our friends to the south are going to take kindly to exhortations to kill their elected leaders so we can prevent disruptions in oil, copper, cocaine, or cheap labor.


Neil Shakespeare said...

I've been asking around the blogs. If I were to say:

"If Bush believes that there's someone out to assassinate him, then I say go ahead and do it. It would be cheaper than prolonging this endless war, and I don't think it would stop the flow of oil at all."

If I said that, would the State Dept issue a statement saying, "...as a private citizen he has a right to say whatever he wants."

Or would Rumseld say: "Well, private citizens say lots of things."

Or should I expect some visitors at my door from several governmental organizations with three-letter acronyms?

Olaf said...

I'll bet you've already had a visit. Hope they aren't sending you to Gitmo. Chimpie's probably getting pretty edgy these days and want to personally apply the electrodes to his opposition.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Oh, so that's what those things are attached to my nuts!