Monday, July 25, 2005

Get Rich Quick Schemes You Never Thought Of: Part One

Taking a break from Rove and Chimpie and all that crap, there is this:
An Italian couple stole 50,000 euros from a woman in the Sicilian city of Palermo after convincing her they were vampires who would impregnate her with the son of the Anti-Christ if she did not pay them.
I hesitated to put this story on my largely unread blog here, because spreading the word would, you know, undermine the likelihood that I could pull the same scam in my own community. But then no one reads this, right? So what the hell.

At least, I was plenty amused by it.


Anonymous said...

Ha! Compared to the typical "pump and dump" scheme that the Bushies like to play with (read: Harken), this is very original. And, as the frosting on the cake, has a flavor of the supernatural to boot. What self-respecting swindle-artist wouldn't like that?!

In other areas, I've been ardently keeping up with all of the news of this and that scandal as it breaks for the past 3 years now. I've sent articles about various horrors and swindles to all of my Repub family and friends. They are getting tired of it, and frankly, so am I. Just when I think that it couldn't get any worse, it does but nobody cares.

Through the polling results that I read, I know that the majority of Americans agree with the new-deal type of things like Social Security, the FDA, and Medicare/aid. People recognize these programs and policies as truly useful and beneficial for the type of society that we live in. In fact, we have come to expect it.

The dismantling of programs is happening like a death of a thousand cuts. I am coming to the slow realization that by the time our treasury is empty, our public utilities and institutions are privatized, our environment is ruined, Peak oil is upon us, and no other country will loan us money or sell us cheap goods will be about the time that the loyal Bush supporters will realize that our society has been screwed.

In other words, right now, they're supporting a "feel good candidate," they like his down-home charm, and besides, they've always voted Repub. They like that he is "God's candidate." Good for business, after all.

But when their kids' educations suck, when the roads have potholes in them, when intrest rates are way up again, when gas costs $5+ a gallon, when their job is moved overseas, when they can't afford healthcare, when they aren't allowed to file for bankruptcy... they will finally realize that they've been screwed. And they may even realize that we've all been screwed, because their friends and neighbors are complaining about the same things.

What then? Well, they'll want blood. But unfortunately, the main actors in this will either (a) be offshore with their numbered accounts and armed compounds, or (b) able to protect themselves and quell any uprising with the controlling laws of the Patriot Act.

I wish that we could fix this *now*, not later when the problem is much worse. But we first have to admit that there is a problem. There is so much that needs to be done, yet nobody is listening. Very prominent economists are predicting a banana-republic style meltdown in our own economy, yet the MSM treats them like alien-probe wannabees.

What to do? What to do? Aside from alien-vampire-evil satan devil spawn, I'm at a loss.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer: What channel will this new vampire show be on, also what day and time? I want to be sure to see it so we can discuss it at our Bible study group. Last week we discussed how Al-Qaeda has caused the current high gas prices. We agreed our President can fix this situation, but only with our, and your, help! God Bless Him!

Anonymous said...

Dear Amercan,
You're right. I'll pray for us all.

Olaf said...

Jennifer, one place I have disagreement with you is that when everything is ruined "will be about the time that the loyal Bush supporters will realize that our society has been screwed." Given the incredible denial exhibited by the Chimpie loyalists so far, I seriously doubt that they will ever recognize, much less admit, that their Dear Leader is the single worst leader in the history of the western hemisphere. When I think of what he squandered since coming into office I might have once wanted to cry but now I can only laugh that even ONE citizen, let alone millions, can still support this buffoon. Now I just fold my hands and wait for the great implosion. The Bush supporters' collective denial is a new form of mental illness.