Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Is the Mainstream Media Waking Up?

What's most interesting about this piece is that it's posted on the CBS News website:
Mid-May saw the leak of the so-called Downing Street Memo written by high-level British national security officials offering textual proof of what those of us who've been paying attention have long suspected: The Bush administration was determined to invade Iraq almost immediately after September 11, and the whole business with WMD, UN inspections, and so forth was just so much kabuki theater designed to lay the groundwork for a policy whose true motives lay elsewhere. This weekend, a second memo, leaked to the Times of London, provided further background. The British government, it seems, had committed itself to joining the United States in this war and was rather gravely concerned that the policy to which it had committed itself violated international law, making it necessary to design an appropriate pretext.
In other words, the deed was going to be done and the task at hand was to sell the rationale to the rubes in Britain and the U.S. To their credit, the British never supported the war in the majority, but I think they read, whereas here in America, TV news is king and, well, it took five weeks just to get these memos mentioned on U.S. television, and there never was a serious, literate discussion about going in in the first place.

Oh sure, that's all ancient history, the MSM will tell you, but these past deceptions inform us with regard to the continuing ones like the war is going splendidly, there's no mistreatment of prisoners nor detention of innocents, and that the Iraqi people are simply thrilled with how we've helped them out. We still aren't being shown the reality on the ground, the coffins continue to arrive at Andrews AFB with no coverage, and the stories on gravely wounded veterans are no longer aired.

But for the Bushits, it's coming apart at the seams. The story on Cindy Sheehan that was in a Kentucky paper has shown up in a mention in Editor and Publisher. The Democrats, probably thanks to the chutzpah of Howard Dean, are starting to show some gumption, standing up to Alberto "Tortureboy" Gonzalez in limiting the Orwellian-named Patriot Act. Even Donald "I am the God of War" Rumsfeld has admitted that the shit is worse now that it was in Iraq a year ago, but putting his typical rose-colored-glasses spin on it, "A lot of bad things that could have happened have not happened."

Tell that to the families of the 1706 dead Americans, you fucking war criminal. I hope you live long enough to be tried like the vile bastard you are, along with the rest of the Bush criminal empire. I don't think it's too much to hope that one day the platform will swing out beneath all the feet of these fuckers and the hemp around each neck will twang as it snaps at its end in a final jerk.

That, my friends, is called justice.

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