Friday, May 13, 2005

Oh That Bushie! So Presidentiumable

God forbid El Presidente's exercise regimen be disturbed. Check out this excerpt from the White House daily briefing, courtesy of Editor and Publisher:
Q: Scott, yesterday the White House was on red alert, was evacuated. The first lady and Nancy Reagan were taken to a secure location. The Vice President was evacuated from the grounds. The Capitol building was evacuated. The continuity of government plan was initiated. And yet the president wasn't told of yesterday's events until after he finished his bike ride, about 36 minutes after the all-clear had been sent. Is he satisfied with the fact that he wasn't notified about this?

McCLELLAN: Yes. I think you just brought up a very good point -- the protocols that were in place after Sept. 11 were followed. The president was never considered to be in danger because he was at an off-site location. The president has a tremendous amount of trust in his Secret Service detail. ...
Does My Pet Goat suddenly come to mind? Doesn't Bush's behavior in the minutes following his notification that the United States was under attack on September 11, 2001, pretty much explain why he wasn't told this time until the coast was clear? You may be able to conceal your shit-stained drawers in a dark suit, but in biking shorts, the crap is going to bulge the spandex and leak down your legs.

But the real message here is that nobody, not even his own cronies, trusts his judgment in a crisis. And McClellan (poor bastard--he looks like a baby seal being clubbed) has no hesitation with saying yes, Bush was satisfied that he wasn't notified. "Bein' prezdent is hard work. Ah don't want no distractions like air-o-planes trying to crash into buildings or nothin'."

What a fuckwad. And 59 million sorry-ass suckers voted for this.

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