Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Continuing Slide Toward Impeachment

The Washington Post reports that those moderate women who were suckered by Bush's aw shucks phony humility and simultaneously frightened by the suffocating smarminess of Kerry into committing the cosmically unpardonable sin of voting for Bush in 2004 are now regretting their decision.
There has long been a gender gap between the parties, with women tending to vote Democratic in disproportionate numbers. Bush all but closed that gap last year, losing the female vote to Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) by three percentage points. But the memo pointed to a March survey that found women favoring Democrats when asked which party's candidates they would support if congressional elections were held today.
Let's hope it's the old "Fool me once" aphorism at work and they're shaming Bush.

Please recall, by the way, that the sociopathic Bush couldn't even remember that simple old saw the one time he tried to use it, which according to Mark Crispin Miller is no trivial slip of the tongue but rather an indication of Bush's absolute inability to see himself as responsible for anything that does not glorify him.

As dim as the state of the nations seems, this is a small sliver of light for the left, but only if several things occur. For one, the Democratic Party leadership has got to get some spine and then use it to clearly distinguish their progressive roots and history while simultaneously attacking the Republicans on every single thing that is worse now than when they took office, which is quite a smorgasbord. The one thing that's actually better under this administration? The introduction of the national "Do Not Call" list. Everything else has gone to shit.

The left must be combative and relentless in assaulting the record of these thugs, in particular the war profiteering of Cheney cronies, the environmental destruction for profit, and most of all that we are still frighteningly vulnerable to terrorist attacks due to malfeasance, corruption and greed by the Bushits. This battle must slowly escalate, without letup, to peak in November 2006, resulting in (yes, I'm really fantasizing now) the Dems retaking both houses of Congress, and immediately initiating impeachment proceedings that will make Nixon and Clinton into impeachment footnotes while turning Bush into the most despised figure in modern American history, both by the left and the right--the former because, well he is the most despicable figure, and the latter because belatedly, while standing in the smoking rubble of their movement, the conservative extremists will realize that they really fucked up in thinking they could stage a coup with Bush.

In the process of trying to salvage the next election, the Bushits will stab their core constituency of theofascists and mouthbreathers in the back in an attempt to con the moderate conservatives into giving them another chance to repeal the Bill of Rights and wage more illegal wars. But things are going to be too grim for all but the most deluded and/or ignorant of the Bushit core group, which will at last be rendered in the popular media for the foaming curs that they are (and no disrespect meant to the canine world. I have two big black dogs that I dearly love).

In the immortal words of Popeye, a lot of moderates are going to be saying, "That's all I can takes and I can't takes no more." And the way Bush and his gang are going to go down will make the executions at Tyburn during the Tudor reign in Britain seem like a Disneyland parade down Main Street. It's going to be wonderfully, if metaphorically, bloody and messy, and the crowds will be calling for gore, gore, gore (no pun intended).

Get your tickets now.

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