Monday, April 18, 2005

Boltin' Bolton in the UN

Why not confirm John Bolton for US Ambassador to the United Nations? Let's not hide the fact that as a nation we have become batshit crazy, screaming bullies who run roughshod over anything that gets in our way, chasing women down the halls in Russian hotels and throwing things like a crazed baboon. It would also present an honest face to the world that as a nation we have become liars, or at best obfuscators of fact.

The reason I've changed my mind about Bolton is because Republicans like Chuck Hagel and Richard Lugar are having some doubts, and that's a signal that Bolton is becoming a bit of an embarrassment, which is all the more reason to put him out there as a front man for the nation. Wouldn't it be great to learn that he had hurled his own feces at Kofi Annan in the men's restroom one afternoon after a heated floor debate on Iran's nuclear capability? Wouldn't it fit our national character if Bolton threatened Mohammed ElBaradei with a bullet through his kneecap if he didn't resign as director general of the International Atomic Energy Commission? Or if Bolton started a smear campaign about Niger's ambassabor's wardrobe and sexual proclivities? That's clearly his style, and isn't it precisely representative of this administration's approach to diplomacy?

I also think that the UN membership might enjoy a new sport: Bolton Baiting. They could award points based on who could goad the most outrageous display from the brush-lipped bully.

Let's put the pedal to the metal, America. Put Bolton in the UN. Let's get the shit flying fast and hard. This is what Bush wants, so give it to him. Enough rope, you know.

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