Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Bolton Is Perfect for the UN

John Bolton's prospective appointment to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations should be no surprise to those who suspect the Bushits of their determination to strike Iran.
Bolton's nomination is somewhat out of step with Bush's second-term emphasis on partnership and cooperation with European allies and with a recent detente in the administration's squabbles with the U.N. bureaucracy.
This article out to be a little embarrassing for the Intelligencer to print, given that no one should believe that Bush wants "partnership and cooperation with European allies," and the "detente" with the UN is, like everything this administration does publicly, a distraction from the agenda they've been faithfully following since day one. Watch what they do, for Christ's sake. Their words are absolutely meaningless. Let Frank Luntz, the number one Republican propoganda guru explain it to you.

Simply put, Bolton is another deliberate step in setting the stage for the June attack on Iran. Watch the rhetoric escalate accordingly. With Rice at State, Bolton at the UN, and the kabuki Eurotour taken care of, the war propaganda machine cranks into second gear. I really, really hope Scott Ritter is wrong, but with regard to predicting the moves of our own evil empire and his predictions to date, that seems unlikely.

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