Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Red Baiting?

Did I just go back in time? Jesus H. Christ, the most right-wing, reactionary, free market crackpot party rams through partial nationalization of banks and their candidate for president, John McCain, is invoking the spectre of communism to attack Barack Obama?
“He wants to quote ‘spread the wealth around,’” McCain said in a campaign speech in Pennsylvania Tuesday. “He believes in redistributing wealth, not in policies that grow our economy and create jobs and opportunities for all Americans. Sen. Obama is more interested in controlling who gets your piece of the pie than he is in growing the pie.”
And Sarah Palin keeps reading from the same cue cards:
At a rally Friday in West Chester, Ohio, where one banner in the crowd read, "Obama is a Socialist/Marxist," Palin said, "Joe suggested that that sounded a little bit like socialism. Whatever you call it, I call it bad medicine for an ailing economy, and it's what Barack Obama will do to those who want to create jobs, and we're willing to call Barack Obama on it."
What the frak? I mean, I get it. They lost ground when they tried to label him a terrorist, and a secret Muslim, and a guy with a weird name, and a guy named "Hussein," and a guy who happened to be half African-American, and a guy who was educated and "elite," and a guy who was "eloquent" and therefore suspicious, and so on, they lost polling points every time, and so they have to reach waaaaaaaay back to some retro Eisenhower era codeword that might just echo for the last few numbskulls who haven't realized what a washed-up douchebag weathervane McCain is and what an incurious, dumbass, fanatic Palin is.

Ooooooooh, there's a Commie under the bed!

Please. Just when you thought even the last Republican standing wouldn't say something so dumb, their fucking leaders are saying things this dumb. And with two weeks left, I can't wait to see what comes next.

My guess? A whispering campaign that Barack Obama is an alien. I mean, look at those ears! And he's so thin. Doesn't he remind you of Michael Rennie in The Day the Earth Stood Still?


Anonymous said...

You crack me up! Speaking of communists, I'm reading some books by Howard Zinn right now, and he is very inspirational! Also, have seen the Warren Beatty extravaganza, Reds? It's GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be awesome if Obama were a "Socialist/Marxist." Ahhh, one can dream....


Olaf said...

I'll be astounded if he just embraces socially democratic capitalism, a la northern Europe. That would be an enormous step for a country which has never had national health care, true poverty reduction, or a culture of shame for obscene displays of wealth rather than massive propaganda that says any schmuck can be sickeningly wealthy.

Once we separate the good life from insane wealth--how much is enough--then we'll be on our way. And yet look at McCain--welfare spouse of Cindy McCain, owner of seven houses, claiming to be like Joe the Plumber. And those dumb shit Repub true believers just eat it up.

Oh fuck it--we're beyond hope here.