Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lookit Them Peasants, Bernie...

"Between the two of us, Bernie, we done fucked up this country but good."

"Yes, Mr. President. Thank you for the opportunity to further enrich my friends and destroy the middle class."

"Don't mention it, Bernie. Iraq will seem like a picnic when ah git done destroyin' this economy. Them damn people have misunderestimated me for the last time."


Anonymous said...

Hi Big O: I would very much like to know your opinion of the big Obama speech yesterday. Do share.

Olaf said...

I think Obama showed that he was unafraid to discuss the issue of race as if his fellow citizens had working brains, and that respect for the American people would extend to other important issues as well. After seven years of being addressed as idiots by the biggest idiot ever to "lead" this nation, it's almost a shock to have a prominent political figure deal in nuance and consider many facets of a complex and inescapable part of our history. I was impressed by Obama's refusal to dumb it down or pander, although, naturally, those on the right are already perversely twisting his speech into proof that he's a racist and an anti-semite and, no doubt, a secret Muslim ready to enslave us all to bin Laden...who, by the way George (are you listening?) is STILL ON THE LOOSE!

The big question is, however, can this country really bear facing the kinds of truths adults are supposed to face? This November will be a definitive test of whether we will continue to be a nation of children or decide to grow up and responsibly use the power we are blessed to have (or have had, since it's a race to see if Chimpie and company can totally cripple the US before January).

All that said, however, the real test of Obama will be in what he can make happen. With a Congress largely filled with kneepad-clad lobbyist lickers, overcoming the money that owns the legislature will take some real political know-how. As an example, he should be studying Lyndon Johnson for how charm, intimidation, and power ought to be wielded if one is to bring this nation into adulthood.

Something like that. Sorry you asked?

Oh, when does the War and Peace reading start?

Ninja Chef said...

What's up with this War and Peace reading? I'd be down with that. I'd say more about this Obama bit, but I need to pass out. Curious about W&P though

Anonymous said...

look at myspace for more war and peace info. I started a group page and invited both of yas.

Anonymous said...

On a lighter note...

This particular blog was...