Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Both of 'em. Now.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, impeach both of them so San Fran Nan can run the country. Good fucking plan. Sorry, NO CHANCE that is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Olaf. It's not like either one of them got a BLOW JOB or anything... Let's only impeach people for serious offenses...

Olaf said...

Oh, these anonymous posters give me a pain. Do you really think that "San Fran Nan" could do a worse, job than these two shitstains?

And if there was an advertisement for the need for more oral sex, I can't imagine two better poster children. Just look at their wives--walking advertisements for the deprived.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yes, to answer your question, she could and I believe would do a much worse job than these two "shitstains". Have you seen her nominations?!?!?!? Give me a fucking break. And that is in NO WAY an endorsement for the current administration. It is a train wreck.

I also find it very amusing that you did not take it too well when an anon poster posted something about YOUR wife a while back, but you are perfectly fine with attacking their wives. Typical lefty hypocrisy at work. Well done. BRAVO SIR!!!

Olaf said...

My wife doesn't make public pronouncements about morality or issue immediately provably false statements about the number of daily bombings in Iraq, and she has never sought the public's attention. She is not a public figure and therefore off limits.

But those who of their own free will use their public personae to promulgate lies, lecture the rest of us about our patriotism, and defend the criminal activities of their chosen spouses, they are fair game. No different as fair game than Anna Nicole or baldy Britney.

Got it now?

Anonymous said...

Hey, whatever you need to tell yourself to let you sleep at night, big guy. You are still a hypocrite in my book.

Got it?

Never mind, I know the answer.

Anonymous said...

Boy, anon really gets worked up there, doesn't he, big guy? It's funny stuff. Your arguments about public versus private people are completely on the mark. It's an unwritten, but wholly understandable truth. It's always so interesting to me how polarizing political affiliations can be. It reminds me of Mark Twain's Corn-Pone Opinions. Ever read that one? How much does anyone know, really? Most people do have corn pone opinions, constructed via affiliation more than anything else. Anon is a pain in the ass, but mildly entertaining...only mildly...Sorry there, Skippy, your vitriol is almost...almost...er...useful? Not.

Mr. X I can't quite figure out. Is that sarcasm? That is, a blow job is impeachable, but destroying habeas corpus, individual liberty, starting preemptive wars based on potential fraud, duping the American public (and how they/we ate it up), destroying most of the goodwill our nation had after 9/11, manipulating statistics to fit with his pea-brained concept of a great nation with a great economy, creating the single most embarrassing moment in US pictorial history (note the picture on this blog of "shitstain" in full commando gear declaring triumph somewhat..er..prematurely) are fine? Or is Mr. X really that puritanical to hierarchically place the offense of a blow job in the oval office, behind his wife's back ,with an intern, above the other offenses that blatantly affect the world we live in? Not that Chilly Willy's exposee is what a country needs, but how much does it really affect anyone? It's a non sequitur The media digs it. Of course. But it didn't spiral the world into anything remotely resembling what we face today. Interesting priorities for Mr. X if that be the case. I can't figure it out and don't much care.

San Fran Nan? Who can say? Politicians are like amoeba. They have no center and every time you try to get a hold of them, they change shape and move somewhere else. That's their job, I suppose. General George may perhaps be an exception. He's terrifically transparent. The news has become absurdly predictable. It's the paradox of democracy and a million voices shouting at once for attention, getting channeled through a few elite individuals. No political or economic system works because we're just not a totality with a perfect ethic that fits in everyone's paradigm.

But yeah, I'd take anyone at this point over our current leadership. I guess it could be worse. Someone could start lobbing nukes, or create an Atwoodian nightmare, or any of the other alternative Orwellian situations that have been proposed and suggested in pop culture. These guys got to go. Is it still two more years? ITMFA. Impeach The Mother Fucker Already. Or should that read: ITFFA Impeach The Father Fucker Already? Okay, that was bad. I admit it. Corn pone even.

All I can say is, this is the perfect time to be alive if you like to watch a race of beings squirm under their own designs. Anon, if you're going to make these claims, give some real evidence. Structure an argument. Enter a dialog. Create a dialog. I wish I could be so certain about everything as you seem to be. I'm not. And if you look at the header of this blog, its intent, you'll see that the voices here are not necessarily as definable as you seem to suggest. And they are not just one voice.

And yeah, dude, leave Olaf's wife out of it. Pick on him. He's public. Fair game. But come on, man, get a clue about that. It's not that complicated. She's a lovely lady. I mean for god's sake, she puts up with Olaf! I am glad you recognize that the current administration is a "train wreck". You've got that going for you. You're not that dumb. But come on, offer up something tangible.

Anonymous said...

Sorry... I forget that the sarcastic tone in my head while I'm typing is not quite legible to others. Hee hee! :-)

Yeah... a BLOW JOB is much more SERIOUS than SILLY little things, like habeus corpus... Since when have Americans had any use for big words???

Olaf said...

Scotchyogi's right--pick on ME! I'm absolutely fair game, and blogging stamps me as an egostistical sonofabitch who deserves all the vitriol that can be heaped upon him, even the nonsensical declaration, "You are a hypocrite in my book." What book is that, Anon? The Bizarro Big Book of Argumentation? Have whoever it is who does your reading and typing for you go over the concept of voluntary public figure vs. private individual again.

Or is it that you lust for the First Lady, hmmmm? A little robot love? Or maybe you'd like to gain access to her limitless supply of Xanax, gin, and Newport Lites? Methinks that my remarks tread on the purity of your personal lust automaton. And to tell you the truth, the fact that she killed that guy in Texas with her car kind of gets me hot too.

If Mrs. Olaf ever goes on Larry King, speaks to a political rally, campaigns for some nitwit candidate, writes a blog, or even adds to this one, then go after her. Otherwise, she prefers to maintain her privacy (how do you even know she really exists, anyway? This is cyberspace, after all.) Your accusal of hypocrisy is empty, baseless, and really just name calling. But if it's the best you've got, well, godspeed.

Besides, isn't being Mrs. Olaf punishment enough? I mean really--who would put up with this and me? How much do you think God could hate someone?

Oh wait--I forgot about Lynne and Laura. Look at the stooges they married.

One more thing--I found that the national obsession in 1998 for Clinton's blowjob to be proof of our country's collective lack of sufficient oral sex. You'd never see such a national panic like that in France. They're civilized.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Big O... You kill me!

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooh, SNAP!!!

Anonymous said...

To distinguish between public figures and private figures when publicly talking smack is not hypocrisy and it's not unwritten, it's the law of slander.

and i resent the term San Fran Nan; she could not more perfectly encompass the concept of old-money, establishment, new-england democrat... although she has had some success disguising herself as a progressive (as if!)

but, in the interest of reaching consensus, i'll settle with anonymous if (s)he'll agree that we need to impeach one of those bastards... either one, anon. your pick!

Olaf said...

Dusty, thank you--knowing that you have actual legal training, your explanation carries the day. I appreciate it.

And isn't Nancy Pelosi from a wealthy Baltimore family? If she had worked with the Family Dog in the 1960s, dropped acid with Ken Kesey, supplied guns to the Panthers, and sponsored readings at City Lights, then she'd be San Fran Nan, and have some street cred. Sadly, although she leans left, she's really just another plutocrat.