Tuesday, January 23, 2007

YOU Will Live Blog SoTU!

I'm going to the movies with our neighbor (Children of Men, with movie popcorn for dinner). I sat through Chimpie's "surge" speech on Iraq, and if you expect me to remain even marginally civil, I can't do it again so soon. Have a little mercy, for heaven's sake.

So here's my proposal--you all live blog through the comments function on this post and get me up to date when I get back from the movie.

Otherwise, the next post after this photo will be of MY head exploding.

Not that that would have a deleterious effect on my thinking, of course.

Oh, and if you need a warm-up or a replacement SoTU, watch this. It will make your head explode, it's so goddamned funny. And the Dems response is even funnier.


Anonymous said...

Ummmm... I think Jim Webb said they would impeach Bush if he insists on sending more troops to Iraq.

Soooo, how'd you like Children of Men? I thought it was good.

Anonymous said...

Oh. And Bush said he believes in Global Warming... so that's good, I guess.

Olaf said...

Isn't it gratifying for Bush to come to the idea of higher gasoline mileage standards only about 30 YEARS LATE as a national security matter.

By the way, Children of Men was incredible. I hope it's been nominated for some Academy Awards in sound design, production design, cinematography, and others. The director should be on the Best Directors' list, but he got dissed. Man! I may see it again.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Did it get nominated for all of those? Hey, Olaf, I know you live in a small town, but check at the mall or something and see if they can get Pan's Labrynth. It's definitely one of the best movies of the year, if not the best. However, I haven't seen the Departed or Letters from Iwo Jima, both of which I hear are fantastic. I kind of think this could be Scorcese's year.

Olaf said...

Scorcese is overdue, that's for sure. He should have won a long time ago for Raging Bull.

I've read a lot of reviews for Pan's Labyrinth--hope it makes it to this little burg.

What got me most about Children of Men was the reality of the society portrayed--not too far from what may happen given a social breakdown from collapsed economy or environment. I'm sure Dick Cheney watched it thinking, "If only, if only..."

Anonymous said...

Round 1: Children of Men to Pan's Labyrinth.

Children of Men, directed by
Alfonso Cuaron,
who also directed Y Tu Mama Tambien,
1. which starred Maribel Verdu,
who also stars in...
Pan's Labyrinth.

Round 2: Pan's Labyrinth to Martin Scorsese

Pan's Labyrinth --
2. directed by Guillermo del Toro,
who also directed Blade II,
3. which starred Wesley Snipes,
who also starred in Jungle Fever, with
4. John Turturro,
who was also in The Color of Money,
which was directed by...
5. Martin Scorsese
whos Taxi Driver was robbed in 1976 in favor of Rocky,
and whos Raging Bull was robbed in 1980 by Ordinary People (also losing that year: The Elephant Man)
but hopefully who won't be robbed for The Departed (which faces no competition from either Rocky Balboa or Robert Redford.)

Round 3:

Martin Scorsese
directed Taxi Driver and Raging Bull which starred,
6. Robert De Niro,
who was in Sleepers, with...

i win.

Anonymous said...

dusty... HA HA!

Sigh... I miss you already :(

Olaf said...

Dusty, you made my day. But all those connections point to CONSPIRACY. Some evil cabal is obviously trying to thwart Scorcese...unless, of course, he's actually part of the plot which has a completely different aim, and which is so nefarious that we haven't figured it out yet.

Keep looking over your shoulder.