Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tony Snow, Master of Rhetoric

Can you guess who's been hitting his notes from Introduction to English Composition?
"What message does Congress intend to give?" asked White House spokesman Tony Snow. "And who does it think the audience is? Is the audience merely the president? Is it the voting American public or, in an age of instant communication, is it also al-Qaida?"
Next, Mr. Snow asked, "And who's the author? What's the purpose?"

Answers: Iraq is a debacle, Chimpie, the American people via the last election, and to inform El Presidente that he is the biggest fuck-up in presidential history.

Oh, and Tony, a bit of advice: as a rhetorical strategy, associating defecting Republican legislators with al-Qaida sympathizers is a loser. It didn't work on the Democrats last year, so I'd like to know who your audience is: Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck? That's about all who you've got besides Laura and Barney. Saying you're either with us or with the enemy is, um, a false dichotomy. You could look it up.


Anonymous said...

Ah, I've been discovered. A legend and a titan, eh? Would have never thought it. I'll actually be back there this summer for a month to work with the star folks again. Some think that's a bit nuts, but it'll be good to get back to the dry air. The east is a-ok. No African troupes as of yet. They're here, but I'm moleing my way carefully into the music scene. Once I'm into it, I'm there for good, with all its drama and glory. Sort of like blogging, of which I started my own some months back on blogspot called dumb drum guy. If you run into anyone who wants to see what the legendary titan is up to i.e. writing a book on the subject, send them to
Until next time, SY

Anonymous said...

I miss all yous guys.

I saw Mr. Snow, and laughed out loud at his rhetoric course references, especially after he reverted to fallacious reasoning. You know, Olaf, I was joking before when I said it, but it really is hard being smarter than everyone else.

Speaking of which, we watched the new Mike Judge movie "Idiocracy" last night. It was pretty bad overall, but the message rang true. The funny thing is, I think most people are that stupid now; I think we won't need to wait 500 years to see the negative effects of stupidity. We can just turn on the TV and watch the president. Or American Idol.

Olaf said...

One of the most depressing moments of this past War on Xmas season was having to go to the local mall and thread my way through hordes of fat, ill-dressed, slow-witted automatons bent on spending even more on Chinese-made plastic crap while munching on food bar stick foods in between yelling at their snot-encrusted obese screaming offscpring.

The earth is too good for us.

Anonymous said...

You know, mb, as an individual who watches American Idol, I find your comment quite offensive! :-)

But, yes, it IS harder being smarter than anyone else...especially when you're as beautiful as all the good people on this board. Smart AND sexy!

Anonymous said...

I meant "everyone" else...dang...

Olaf said...

You are all sexy, no question about it, but take another look at my portrait--and that's a flattering rendition. Alas, I thought that as I became increasingly unattractive, I would at least become inversely proportionally wealthy, but that's not working out. Nature can be so cruel!

Anonymous said...

Hey... I never said I didn't watch American Idol... Is that you CB? YOU know that I watch plenty of reality tv... but it's, um, purely to, um, analyze the, uh, effects of the social system in its... um, shoot. Nevermind.