Friday, November 03, 2006

Sideshow Politics

John Kerry's bad and bumbled joke and the insane Republican reaction (is McCain really that stupid, or is he really such a Bush asslicker?), Ted Haggard's meth-sniffing, sex-for-pay play, Mark Foley's predilection for teenage boys--why don't I ever write about these things? A friend asked me this today. Yes, it is a conscious decision during an election period because while these episodes are wonderfully salacious, juicy, and reveal the depth and gravity of right-wing hypocrisy, it's still not relevant to the exercise of power in this country. We have one huge problem in this country that must remain our focus, and that is the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal that is still desperately trying to establish a tyranny in this country, and who has no moral code, no admirable ideology, and virtually no competence beyond smearing opponents and intimidating dissenters. In the actual administration of power they are an utter and complete disaster.

A totalitarian mentality mixed with incompetence is what creates the perfect storm of national disaster, and our ship of state is still steadily on course for BOTH Scylla and Charybdis with a monstrous iceberg and a couple of sea dragons to boot.

If Pastor Haggard likes to dust his nostrils and then take one in the booty, well bully for him--he's gotten his just desserts for his hypocrisy as a leader against gays and non-Christians. If Mark Foley is a slimey chickenhawk cruising for buff butts, he too is now paid for his hubris in trying to simultaneously push through child protection laws. And the fact that John Kerry is an egomaniacal dope without the sense to even avoid humor that will always fall flat does not overcome the intentional or intentionally feigned stupidity of those who claim he has insulted the military--that just reveals how desperately thin their basis is for even being appointed to scrape dog shit off our cities' sidewalks.

Eyes on the ball--we face totalitarian, amoral, sociopathic megalomaniacs trying to destroy our country for reasons that defy explanation. Such is the poison of power.


Anonymous said...

i completely agree with your last paragraph. well stated. i do offer that the left is just as hypocritcal.

Olaf said...

You'll get no argument from me on that. The number of people in public office who deserve our support and respect is a tiny, tiny percentage of the whole, regardless of political ideology. The pursuit of power itself should always be a basis for suspicion. However, I do believe that as a danger to the citizenry, the right-wingers are far worse, seeking always to restrict liberty and invade our personal lives.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you said something about this John Kerry debacle. It's a big problem, particularly in my midwestern state, where the GOP face some stiff competition, that can be best defined by the term "mudslinging." I just wish we could have some actual debate on the issues for a change.

Incidentally, did you see John Stewart's montage of campaign commercials? It certainly paints a sad picture of the US Congress. Very funny, though.

Olaf said...

Since daylight savings time ended, the Daily Show comes on at midnight here instead of 11pm, so I'm having a harder time catching it, which sucks.

I'm surprised to hear that the Kerry business actually has any impact. Anyone who buys Bush's and McCain's moronic rhetoric on this is already decided on pulling the all-Republican lever on Tuesday. I don't think it would actually swing any independent. Even if he intended an insult, Kerry's dumb remark is hardly the insult a failed Iraq policy has become, or Rumsfeld's line about "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you want," or Chimpie's "Bring it on."

Of course, there is that 37% that hopes Iraq becomes Armageddon so that Jesus can take over the earth. I guess I should be worried.

Anonymous said...

Behold... the Flying Spaghetti Monster cometh...